Become a Sponsor

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Becoming a sponsor of the Norwood Park Senior Center increases your visibility, offers a variety of targeted marketing opportunities, and identifies you as a business committed to the local community. Sponsorship keeps your name and message in front of our members. It identifies you as an active part of our community and allows your marketing materials and special offers to be directed to potential new customers. Being a sponsor also enriches our neighborhood by encouraging older adults to remain active and engaged.

If your marketing plan includes reaching...
  • Mature adults with above-average incomes
  • Homeowners
  • Health-conscious adults
  • Couples
  • The local community
  • Those with an eye for real value
  • Adults with strong family and community ties

    ...then you should be talking with us about what sponsorship level is right for your business.

  • Click here to view our sponsorship opportunities brochure.

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    Norwood Park Senior Center :: 5801 N. Natoma, Chicago, IL 60631 :: 773-775-6071

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    Copyright 2024, Norwood Life Society